Our Lab at Rutgers

Our lab is equipped with 8 Vicon Bonita 10 Camera:

The B10 camera captures at 250 fps with one megapixel of resolution, featuring a varifocal lens (4 to 12mm) and NIR strobe. We have a dedicated flying zone about 11.0 FEET X 15.0 FEET X 25.0 FEET.

Subsonic Wind Tunnel:

The wind tunnel is an open circuit, 28 inch by 20 inch, subsonic research wind tunnel rated with a maximum speed of 160 MPH. Autonomous Landing on Moving Platform Videos

Prof. Xiaoli Bai
Principal Investigators

I’m an Associate Professor in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Rutgers. My research interests include astrodynamics; SSA; spacecraft GNC; space robotics; UAV navigation and control.