NSF Grant: Collaborative Research: ANSWERS: Prediction of Geoeffective Solar Eruptions, Geomagnetic Indices, and Thermospheric Density Using Machine Learning Methods

On this Earth Day, we are awarded an NSF grant “ANSWERS: Prediction of Geoeffective Solar Eruptions, Geomagnetic Indices, and Thermospheric Density Using Machine Learning Methods.” This project is a collaboration among Rutgers University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, West Virginia University, and Montclair State University that will improve our ability to predict several linked space weather components: geoeffective solar eruptions, the global magnetic response of Earth to these eruptions, as well as variation of neutral density in the Earth’s thermosphere and its effect on satellite drag. The work covers many aspects of geospace science, solar physics, and data science including machine learning.

More information about the project can be seen here: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2149747

Prof. Xiaoli Bai
Principal Investigators

I’m an Associate Professor in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Rutgers. My research interests include astrodynamics; SSA; spacecraft GNC; space robotics; UAV navigation and control.